My work: branding


The brand identity of Kalk Bay (Kalkys) encapsulates the quirky, vibrant culture of the area. Kalkys is an area filled with stories, rich experiences and hidden gems. The brand identity aims to visually capture all the bright colours of the character of Kalkys. 


The purpose of this campaign is to highlight the hidden gems and unique spots in Kalk Bay. Secondly, it’s to tell the equally hidden stories of the heritage and history. This will enrich the area and root it in a narrative, allowing visitors to become invested emotionally, creating a greater feeling of community and belonging.

the gathering camp: Gebrand

The Gathering is an annual youth summer camp hosted by Remerge Ministries for teens in churches in and around Cape Town. The theme for the Gathering 2024 is “Gebrand”, which translates from Afrikaans meaning “on fire” or “burning”. This theme is playful and quite tongue-in-cheek, which is visually represented by the bubbly and illustrative style in the branding.